Though not yet famous, Klayar Coast is a very beautiful beaches and exotic. As exotic about? Well, although reluctant to admit it, according to Coast Klayar YogYES is more exotic than Parangtritis, most popular beach in Yogyakarta.

Klayar located approximately 45 km west Pacitan and can be reached by motorbike or car. Way there is a challenge that will stimulate adrenaline because the roads are narrow and damaged in parts, sharp bends and route up and down hills. There are several sections of the rise and fall quite extreme. However, the scenic beauty of green hills and valleys will be accompanied throughout the journey.

The beach is still very quiet. If it did not come on holiday, you will only find a few fishermen who were fishing. Stretches of white sand with crystal-clear waves breaking on shore, the cliff flanked on the right and left. You can go up to the cliff on the right and enjoy the beautiful scenery Klayar landscape from a viewing post.

Satisfied enjoy Klayar from above, take a walk along the white sand of the most fitting choice. Walk to the east, you will meet with a small stream that flows to divide the beach then fused with sea water. Crossing the river is becoming an exciting sensation. At some point its depth reaches a man's thigh. Not far from this estuary, the river another smaller but no less beautiful flowing quietly forming a second estuary. Essentially a black sand with stripes of white sand washed from the beach.
Sea Flute, Sphinx Rock, and Karang Bolong

At the east end you will be greeted by a beautiful lagoon. Flanked by two rock clusters, it looks beautiful lagoon with crystal clear that the waves hit the rock wall and then break down and spinning in a stretch of white sand. This small lagoon was breathtaking and made feel at home for longer sit back at him. Waves slammed repeatedly with strong rock and waterfall effect on the walls with white bubbles are beautiful.
The rocks towered to the east of the lagoon. One was that the note is similar to the shape of the Sphinx. YogYES took a picture and show it to a friend who came from Egypt. He also admitted this resemblance. Exploring the reef area behind it, seen a few small holes filled with water which seems to be home to small crabs. Far away on the right, seems a natural cliff with a tunnel underneath.

Do not be surprised when you are behind a sudden a fountain gushed upward. Again a remarkable natural phenomenon. There is a crack in this rock. When the waves come up with enough rain, some water got under the rocks and sprayed up as a giant fountain that can reach heights of up to 10 meters. This fountain is also accompanied by a sound similar to whistle so often referred to as sea flute.

Wish to linger to enjoy the exoticism Klayar? You can try YogYES favorite spot. Rise to rock sphinx waist that is wide enough and sit there while enjoying the rolling wave lagoon with a waterfall effect on the right, a natural fountain on the left, rock holes far away, and the expanse of the ocean as far as the eye could see. Bend and close your eyes. Hear the sea sing to you with the pounding of waves, and you'll instantly fall in love.


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