Gong cave is located in the Village Bomo, District Punung, Pacitan, about 30 kilometers from the town of Pacitan. If
you want to abbreviate the time, a trip to the cave can be reached
through the northern path, through the Road-Pringkuku Pacitan.

However, if you want to linger a little while enjoying the beauty of the Indian Ocean from the top of the hill, the trip can be taken through the southern path leading towards Pantai Ria Teleng. The trip can be taken for about 45 minutes through a winding road.Thursday afternoon, hours of shows at 11:30 and the weather in front of the mouth of the cave is quite hot. Once inside the cave, damp air immediately felt and forced the visitors sweat. As Tri Utomo, tourists from Edinburgh, who immediately took off his jacket as he entered the cave.After entering the cave more deeply, then seen several large fan mounted in some corner of the cave. Still, the air inside the cave is still stuffy. Gong cave which has seven rooms and four spring that was designed to be accessible to anyone. No need to worry if it does not carry any special equipment. By paying Rp 4,000 entrance fee, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the cave ornaments as she walked along the path of iron fenced along approximately 300 meters. Roads are made of cement were made so that visitors can play ended up at the point of departure.According Sumanan, a tour guide, certain ornaments in the cave can produce sounds that the cave was called Gong. Several curious visitors who were trying to knock-knock stalactite and stalagmite with fists. However, no sound came out.Without a flashlight, the spaces inside the cave is well lit. Light-colored spotlights placed at various angles illuminate the whole stalactite and stalagmite that became the main attraction of the cave. Ornaments cave which was originally white, ivory or yellowish brown color changed to red, blue, yellow, and green." Gong cave is not natural anymore. In fact, one might say corrupted. It should not have to cave ornaments highlighted with lights like that," said Director of Tours and Travel Solo Mandira, Seno Hadi Prayitno. Spotlights that emit heat that can reduce the flow of water that flowed through the stalactites. Natural moisture also decreases because there is the fan.Mouth of the cave is also plastered with ornaments of artificial rock rock being assessed further reduce the naturalness Gong cave. On the right side of the mouth of the cave - still above the artificial ornaments - attached inscription bearing the names of two people who discover Bomo Village Goa Gong in 1924 and eight other residents who opened the cave to the public in 1995.For the citizens of the Village Bomo, the existence of Gong cave to be a blessing because it provides additional income. Most of the residents in the village to open food stalls and drink around the cave. "I usually open a stall if a weekend or holiday season. If a normal day, empty of visitors," said Suparni, one shop owner.However, the kiosks are also interested in the visitors are kiosks selling jewelry from ornamental stones such as agate, bracelet from alabaster and other ornamental stones. There were about 25 traders who mostly come from the village of Sukodono, District Donorojo, Pacitan. "The price varies from Rp 3,000 to Rp 300,000," said one seller of ornamental stones, Yayan.
City of a thousand caves Gong cave is only one potential cave tourism in Pacitan. There are still other caves are interesting and challenging to be traced, such as wasps cave, Putri cave , Kendil cave, cave club, and Somopuro cave. There are about 11 caves are managed as a tourist attraction in Pacitan.If Gong cave and wasp suitable for family tourism, Luweng Jaran cave and Luweng Ombo suitable for adventurers and hobbyists. Both the cave has a more deep vertical tunnel 25 meters so as to enter it necessary to use specialized equipment and expertise. Although they had taken the trouble to enter the cave, visitors fatigue treated with views of unspoiled cave ornaments and charming.There is also a cave that is closed to the public, namely Song caveContinues, Gupuh Song, and Song Kebak. Several scientists from abroad are conducting research in the third cave. Sri Utami, devices Wareng Village, District Punung, Pacitan, say, in Song caveContinues residing on its territory commonly found fossils of early humans.Song Cave Continues located near cave was sealed with an iron fence. One sign board mounted Department of Tourism and Culture in East Java include a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp 100 million if convicted of destroying, altering, or take the stones in the cave.GeoparkPotential wealth of natural attractions in Pacitan it encourages the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to continue working on this area becomes a potential tourist destination in Indonesia. One of the unrealized plan is to change the karst area in Pacitan be geopark or geological park.President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono launched a plan to build this geopark in 2006. Of the total area of Pacitan area of 1389 square kilometers, covering an area of 91,830 hectares of land in the form of old age sediments (meoson) and 36,829 hectares of old age limestone. However, the vast region, which regions are not yet clear who will be geopark."To make geopark, needs assessment is a very serious and is still ongoing," said Secretary of Directorate General of Tourism Destination Development Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Winarno Sudjas. If you have awakened, caves in Pacitan are connected into one attractive package tours. If tired of tracing the cave, tourists have the option to relax on the 10 beaches in Pacitan.Despite having a variety of stunning natural tourism potential, tourism support facilities in Pacitan still minimal. In the City Pacitan there are only about 11 hotels. In fact, travelers need to linger to enjoy the full potential of that nature. "Lack of investment is the bottleneck. I really hope, many interested parties to jointly open a new Pacitan as a tourist destination," said Head of department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Pacitan, M Fathony.